01-29-2020 03:13 AM
Can I use Alfresco Digital Workspace with Community Edition 6.2 ?
01-29-2020 04:13 AM
No, but you can use Alfresco Content Application, that is the version available for Community.
01-29-2020 05:35 AM
How can I do that without docker ?
01-29-2020 05:44 AM
Build content app from source and deploy it to any web server, e.g. nginx / Apache, installed locally or on whatever server. Maybe https://hub.alfresco.com/t5/application-development/how-to-deploy-an-adf-app/ba-p/290564 should help you get started.
02-02-2020 12:00 PM
What is the difference between Alfresco Digital Workspace and Alfresco Content Application ?
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