09-26-2019 02:41 AM
A customer has updated from 4.2.e over 5.2g to 6.1 now every night at 4 am. The following errors are comming up for some nodes:
2019-09-26 04:00:00,072 ERROR [org.alfresco.repo.content.cleanup.EagerContentStoreCleaner] [DefaultScheduler_Worker-4] Content deletion failed (no exception): URL: store://2019/9/10/18/58/669b5693-bd93-4c18-8859-df189fcb7eab.bin Source: org.alfresco.repo.tenant.TenantRoutingFileContentStore@393d54ec
The files are still in the content store folder. It seems the problem files are mostly activity txt files. Have somebody experienced that before?
I would appreciate the help very much!
Best regards
09-26-2019 02:09 PM
does alfresco's OS user have the pemission to delete the file 2019/9/10/18/58/669b5693-bd93-4c18-8859-df189fcb7eab.bin?
09-27-2019 02:13 AM
I am starting Alfresco as a Windows Service with the corresponding System user is this enough to let it work? How can I find that out if the user system user has right permissions?
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