04-22-2021 11:59 AM
I'm try to usa alfreso adf componente and services on my existing angular project but I have many many problem with imports and it's not possible to compiling and run my application.
There is a tutorial? thanks.
04-23-2021 10:19 AM
04-27-2021 06:20 AM
Error: The target entry-point "@alfresco/adf-content-services" has missing dependencies:
- @angular/material/button
- @angular/material/card
- @angular/material/checkbox
- @angular/material/chips
- @angular/material/core
- @angular/material/datepicker
- @angular/material/dialog
- @angular/material/expansion
- @angular/material/icon
- @angular/material/input
- @angular/material/list
- @angular/material/menu
- @angular/material/progress-bar
- @angular/material/progress-spinner
- @angular/material/radio
- @angular/material/select
- @angular/material/slide-toggle
- @angular/material/slider
- @angular/material/tree
- @angular/material/badge
- @alfresco/js-api
- @alfresco/adf-core
- moment-es6
- @angular/flex-layout
- @angular/cdk/a11y
- @mat-datetimepicker/core
- @mat-datetimepicker/moment
- @ngx-translate/core
- @angular/cdk/tree
- @angular/material/table
- @angular/material/tooltip
- moment
- @angular/cdk/collections
04-27-2021 09:07 AM
after install alla dependecy I give this two errors on fresh angular project (ng new myapp) :
Error: node_modules/@alfresco/adf-core/viewer/components/pdf-viewer.component.d.ts:22:10 - error TS2305: Module '"../../../../pdfjs-dist/types/pdf"' has no exported member 'PDFDocumentProxy'.
22 import { PDFDocumentProxy, PDFSource } from 'pdfjs-dist';
Error: node_modules/@alfresco/adf-core/viewer/components/pdf-viewer.component.d.ts:22:28 - error TS2305: Module '"../../../../pdfjs-dist/types/pdf"' has no exported member 'PDFSource'.
22 import { PDFDocumentProxy, PDFSource } from 'pdfjs-dist';
06-07-2021 12:06 PM
I have installed this project to test adf components; regarding my question, I ask if it is possible now to use this angular project into another existing angular project?
06-24-2022 12:27 PM
hello how did you solve this error.
06-11-2021 12:29 AM
Alfresco provides ADF (Application Development Framework) to make it easy to build custom web applications and manage the content in Alfresco Platform Repository. In order to integrate an existing angular development app with Alfresco ADF component, click a button in the app to call an ADF process name ‘certification process.’ In the same Productfolio, click the button ‘ show all my tasks.’ This way, you will be mapping the button to the task app in ADF component.
06-30-2022 09:05 AM
I tried it too and had same errors, so I installed all the dependencies required and every time I solve a dependency another one pops up. So I decided to generate an ADF project, get rid of the interface and start using ADF component and services in this new Angular app just how I wanted. you can start by generating the ADF app and then continue developing your app using Angular
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