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About "AAAR_Extract" cannot work successfully

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Hi Francesco,

I'm following your steps to install A.A.A.R,every step goes successfully.But when I use it,it tells me "no data found"(I've already upload some datas on alfresco),and I have runned "AAAR_Extract",But nothing has changed,and "AAAR_Extract.bat"was drop out immediately!
I check "pentaho-solutions\system\AAAR\endpoints\kettle\logs\AAAR",but it shows "dummy"! So I guess maybe I made a mistake during the installation,when I try to press the button "install A.A.A.R." to re-install A.A.A.R. it shows me "ConnectionServiceImpl.ERROR_0004 - Unable to add connection name : connection name was AAAR_DataMart cause by null"

My system is windows,Can you help me?

Thanks in advance


I've already upload some datas on alfresco,my dashboard is empty.when I tried to run "AAAR_Extract" ,and"AAAR_Extract"was drop out immediately.

This picture is when I tried to re-install,but something wrong.


Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

No problem.

From the log I can see a problem in your settings.

In particular in:

2017/02/06 20:24:32 - Set Variables.0 - Set variable kettlePath to value [/opt/data-integration]

Please setup the correct path (this is the default path and works for linux)) for the Pentaho Data Integration using the wizard and repeat the installation.

Then execute again the extraction.

I hope this help you.

View answer in original post


Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

Hi ‌,

Please check the catalina.out file into the penatho server installation.
I think you will find an error during the installation process.

If you can, I suggest to move to a linux based platform.
Let me know how it goes.


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

I can only find the log file "catalina" in  "  pentaho-server\tomcat\logs" ,I have uploaded it, is it right? If it's right,there is no error in that file.

Unn.. and I don't have linux platform around.... only windows,with this issue..What should I do?

thank you a lot.

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

Yes, I was talking exactly about catalina.out file in the logs folder of the pentaho server.
- stop Pentaho server,

- remove the catalina.out file,

- restart the pentaho server again

- install AAAR as described here: A.A.A.R. - Install A.A.A.R. - Francesco Corti 

- stop Pentaho server,

- check into the catalina.out for errors and share it here using this site: - #1 paste tool since 2002! 

Then we will see what happened.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Hi Francesco,

I finished what you said,but because of network or VPN limitations,I cannot open the site " - #1 paste tool since 2002!",So I have to upload  " catalina.out " on this page. Please check the Attachment above. I feel sorry about that.


Thank you for help. 🙂

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

No problem.

From the log I can see a problem in your settings.

In particular in:

2017/02/06 20:24:32 - Set Variables.0 - Set variable kettlePath to value [/opt/data-integration]

Please setup the correct path (this is the default path and works for linux)) for the Pentaho Data Integration using the wizard and repeat the installation.

Then execute again the extraction.

I hope this help you.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Hi Francesco,

Are there any other problems? I have modified " /opt/data-integration " into the right path ("D:\aaar_毕设\data-integration") , But there are still errors in the logs file, and re-installation was failed again... 

I have updated the "catalina.out" in this page. Please check the Attachment again.


Thanks again for your help 🙂

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator


Ok, now it's time to check the AAAR_DataMart datasource is correctly setup into the Pentaho Console.

Open the Pentaho User Console and access to the data source using the top left item on the screen called "Manage Datasources".

Inside of it you should see a AAAR_DataMart data source if not, please let me know.

If you will find it, execute the AAAR_Extract.bat from the terminal (you find the script into the script folder into the AAAR module folder).

Then share the catalina.out again.


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Hi Francesco,

Inside of "Manage Datasources" I could see " AAAR_DataMart "

Then I stoped the pentaho-server and restart it again.When I try to execute the AAAR_Extract.bat from the terminal,it likes the first time, quickly quit, and nothing happened.And it seems that execute AAAR_Extract.bat has not been written to " catalina.out ". This is the latest catalina.out file. (I have updated in this page).


This image is  when I open the " AAAR_extract.bat". I noticed the text inside "/user:admin /pass:admin /param....." My Alfresco login password is "password" not "admin",is it related to "AAAR_extract.bat" drop out immediately?


Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

The rapid execution of the batch, means an error happens at the very beginning.

The error is shown in clear, if you execute the bat from the terminal (avoid double clicking on the file please).

Please reach the description of the error and then we will face it.