07-14-2017 07:55 AM
Hi All
Can anyone please suggest a resolution for an issue I am facing.
Few days back, some of the files on Alfresco well share, were corrupted and converted to 0kb files, or .tmp files.
When verified, the former versions of the files are legit and non corrupt, and as a workaround I would revert the prior version. But the issue still exists on multiple folders and files. And since it is of random occurrence, I cannot replicate it as and when required. However, the 0kb and .tmp files still exist in the system.
Any help with the issue would be appreciated.
07-15-2017 08:19 AM
I hope you have enough space on the disk that contains alf_data/contentstore
Are You able too see any error messages in the application log (alfresco.log, catalina.out) - by the way, running on Linux, Windows or OSX?
07-21-2017 05:57 AM
Hi Martin,
Yes, we have enough space in disk(alf_data/contentstore). And we are getting an error that you don't have appropriate permission to unlock the document.
Using Linux environment and facing the issue in our clustered production environment.
07-21-2017 11:19 AM
Hi Simant,
Are there any behaviours or rules that could cause the problem? (Changed any code that causing trouble?)
09-08-2017 07:38 AM
Hi Martin,
Apologies for late reply. I was on holidays so unable to reach my mails. We have checked our entire code which having behaviours and rules, but no luck. Actually, it's a random occurrence. Not facing this issue every-time.
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