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The 3.4a release introduces the ability to customize the main header bar in the Share application via the share-config-custom.xml mechanism. The following describes what customizations are available and how to achieve them.
The default Share header for a non-admin user looks like:
frame|c|none|Default user header
...an admin user also has access to the individual tools within the Share Admin Console:
frame|c|none|Default admin menu
Previously, these two different configurations were accomplished using some logic within the Freemarker template, which was tricky to find and extend. Version 3.4.a introduces a configuration-based header which is much easier to extend.
The header config reader is defined at the top of share-config.xml as:
<element-reader element-name='header' class='org.alfresco.web.config.header.HeaderElementReader'/>
The header bar in Share is constructed from four parts:
Application and User items can be static links, dynamic links or menus (more on those later). The configuration structure for these two types is exactly the same, but Share renders them differently. By default they are logically split into those items referring to the application (Sites, People, etc.) and the user (Profile, Change Password, etc.). This distinction is not enforced by the implementation, but is more a guide for a better user experience.
The logo is both themeable and replaceable via the i18n mechanism.
Application header items refer to those to the left of the header area consisting of an icon and text, whereas User items are positioned above the search bar and are text only (due to the compressed spacing of user items, they do not support icons).
frame|c|left|Link item frame|c|none|Menu item
The search box and dropdown are rendered as part of the header, but are not currently configurable.
A default header has been defined in share-config.xml. In order to customise to your own needs, you need to replace the default structure in a share-config-custom.xml file in the Tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension. See the notes in Install Tomcat6 to ensure extensions will be picked up.
Copy the entire <header>...</header> XML structure as follows, noting the replace='true' attribute:
<config replace='true'>
There are three sections to the header configuration:
In terms of configuration, there is no difference between the application and user items.
An item is declared using an <item> node.
Attribute | Mandatory | Description |
type | yes | Item type. Can be one of:
id | yes | Used to uniquely define the header item. Only needs to be unique within it's container. |
icon | no | Image URL, relative to components/images/header/. If not supplied, an image named components/images/header/{id}.png will be rendered. |
label | no | Label text or i18n property. If not supplied, an i18n message header.{id}.label will be rendered. |
description | no | Description (hover state) text or i18n property. If not supplied, an i18n message header.{id}.description will be rendered. |
permission | no | Currently only admin supported, which restricts the visibility of the link to members of the Administrators group. |
condition | no | Any Freemarker expression that results in a boolean true or false value. The item will only be rendered if the condition is true. |
These, as their name would suggest, generate internal and external links (the difference being the external link type is rendered with target='_blank'). The link is specified within the node value and can be one of the following formats:
<item type='link' id='marketing-doclib' label='Marketing' description='Marketing Document Library' icon='../filetypes/generic-folder-16.png'>/site/marketing/documentlibrary</item>
<item type='external-link' id='bbc' label='BBC News' description='' icon='../info-16.png'>http://news.bbc.co.uk/</item>
<item type='link' id='help'>{share-help}</item>
Must contain only <container-group> nodes. Container groups support the permission and condition attributes which are cascaded to all contained items.
Attribute | Mandatory | Description |
id | yes | Used to uniquely define the container group. Only needs to be unique within it's item parent. |
label | no | Label text or i18n property. If not supplied, an i18n message header.{id}.label will be rendered. |
permission | no | Currently only admin supported, which restricts the visibility of the contained items to members of the Administrators group. |
condition | no | Any Freemarker expression that results in a boolean true or false value. The container will only be rendered if the condition is true. |
<container-group id='tools' permission='admin'>
<item type='link' id='application'>/console/admin-console/application</item>
<item type='link' id='groups'>/console/admin-console/groups</item>
<item type='link' id='replication-jobs'>/console/admin-console/replication-jobs</item>
<item type='link' id='users'>/console/admin-console/users</item>
<container-group id='blogs' label='Blogs...'>
<item type='external-link' id='mike' label='Mike Hatfield' description='' icon='../comment-16.png'>http://blogs.alfresco.com/wp/mikeh/</item>
<item type='external-link' id='kev' label='Kevin Roast' description='' icon='../comment-16.png'>http://blogs.alfresco.com/wp/kevinr/</item>
<item type='external-link' id='will' label='Will Abson' description='' icon='../comment-16.png'>http://blogs.alfresco.com/wp/wabson/</item>
Renders a placeholder button which can then be 'taken over' by some client-side JavaScript implementation. The JavaScript class is specified in the node's value, e.g. Alfresco.module.Sites and its implementation must be declared via the <dependencies> tag (see below).
<item type='js' id='sites'>Alfresco.module.Sites</item>
<css src='/modules/create-site.css' />
<css src='/modules/header/sites.css' />
<js src='/modules/create-site.js' />
<js src='/modules/header/sites.js' />
A header module is very similar to a standard Share module, but doesn't render it's own initial HTML mark-up. Upon instantiation, it's given the DOM ID of the element created as the placeholder. It's entirely up to the module to decide what to do with this existing element, but it's strongly recommended that it be rendered as a YUI Button widget to maintain consistency within the header.
See the Alfresco.module.Sites implementation in modules/header/sites.js for example code.
The user type is a special case used to render the avatar and status update UI. It is intended to be used once as a sub-item of the user items menu. Any other use is unsupported at this time.
The <dependencies> section supports the JavaScript item type. Client-side JavaScript and Stylesheet links should be defined here, which will be loaded as part of the header rendering sequence.
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