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Community Manager

Alfresco Search Services 1.4.3 has been released.

Obtaining this release

The ZIP Distribution file can be downloaded from the following URL:

If you are using Docker, you can get the new Image by typing:

docker pull alfresco/alfresco-search-services:1.4.3

And finally, the source code for this version is available in:

Alfresco Insight Engine 1.4.3 has been also released.

Insight Engine and Insight Engine Zeppelin artifacts can be downloaded from using Enterprise credentials.

New Features

  • Enhanced FIX Tool REST API

Third Party Product Versions

  • Solr 6.6.5
  • Jetty 9.3.27.v20190418
  • Zeppelin 0.8.2


  • Search Services 1.4.3 works with ACS 6.0, 6.1, 6.2
  • Insight Engine 1.4.3 works with ACS 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 and AGS 3.0.2, 3.2.0


  • SEARCH-2356: Support setting default search log level with docker installations
  • SEARCH-2372: Update base docker image
  • SEARCH-2248: Add a limit to a number of txns per run of FIX tool
  • SEARCH-2233: Expose additional parameters for FIX tool in REST API
  • SEARCH-2330: Implement disable/enable indexing commands for tracking process
  • SEARCH-2237: During a re-index, cascade tracker causes OOM exception
  • SEARCH-2374: Shards become unavailable when they are purged and there's a long timeout value
  • SEARCH-2126: In sharded mode, the facets with 0 results are supressed in the response unlike standalone mode

Call to Action

This release fixes an Out Of Memory problem when re-indexing some kind of repositories.

The problem has been reported previously by the Community in different ways:

If you are experiment problems with the amount of RAM consumed by SOLR or your contentstore GZ files are bigger than 10 MB, you could be affected by this problem.

Note that when upgrading to Search Services 1.4.3, it's not mandatory to perform a full re-index for SOLR. However, if you re-index your repository, you'll save storage space and you'll increase the performance of the service.

Anyway is strongly recommended to upgrade to Search Services 1.4.3 from any other SOLR 6 based release.