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Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

Release Notes
2.x Releases

Major Fixed Bugs

Below please find a list of major issues fixed in 2.2 SP7 Enterprise. For a full list of
closed / fixed issues, please see JIRA issue tracking system.

Release notes for Alfresco's earlier release, Alfresco 2.2 SP6, can be found here or from our Enterprise Plan of Record.

Bug List

ALF-883 Rule is not triggered for a item which is restored from the bin
ALF-1882 HTTP sessions timeout too early when a session is used by different web clients
ALF-1792 Performance degrading due to policy invocation
ALF-1885   Authentication tickets expire after set time, but would be more useful to have them expire after an inactivity timeout.
ALF-1984   TinyMCE HTML Image gets invalid path
ALF-1988    'There is not enough space on the drive to perform this operation' with XP's in-built 'Send To -> Compressed (zipped) folder' on CIFS
ALF-1790    Unable to delete discussion forum
ALF-1986    Error message when bypassing the 'close' and directly clicking on breadcrumb link after a deployment
ALF-1992     Missing 'Required' items are not highlighted in the error when missed
ALF-1791     The method convertClassToType(QName alfrescoClass) uses JCRToAlfresco.get(alfrescoClass) rather than AlfrescoToJCR.get(alfrescoClass).
ALF-1886     Error displaying tool tip with quote
ALF-1982     Sorting problem for boolean type property in browse view (JSF)
ALF-1991      Unbounded forms in Firefox
ALF-1985       Result sets not being closed in several classes
ALF-1989 Node deletions transactions not properly detected in Lucene Indexes by AbstractReindexComponent
ALF-1987 Issues with ACL upgrade script for Oracle
ALF-1983  It is impossible to set Alfresco Keyword search engine in browser search box in IE7