There was a request in the forums for how to use the WebPreviewer (found on Share's document details page) outside of Alfresco.
I made a simple example that displays the current functionality that can be downloaded from
Note! The folder must be placed on a webserver, otherwise Flash Player will stop the external .swf from loading due to security violations.
Otherwise all you need to do is point your browser to the index.html file.
To test with your own documents simply generate a .swf from a .pdf by running pdf2swf with the following command ...
%> pdf2swf -T 9 -s poly2bitmap,subpixels=72 SomeFile.pdf -o SomeFile.swf.
... and don't forget to change the 'url' parameter in the 'index.html' example page 😉
PS. We will enhance the WebPreviewer to support text searches in the document & text selection w copy to clipboard in fortcoming versions.