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Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

(01/01/18 - 07/01/18) The team has been focusing on preparing for the next Early Access release and preparing our Trending Topics twitter example to be presented at DevCon. The work has helped us realise some significant improvements in memory profile and demonstrate Activiti Cloud’s scaling capabilities. We’re also working on improving our processes for end to end testing by devoting time to using a fully-featured hosted environment.

@constantin-ciobotaru worked on the integration of the new activiti-cloud-process-model-service and activiti-cloud-org-service to resolve some bugs in the way they interact

@lucianoprea worked on the activiti-cloud-modeling-backend in order to build an application using the activiti-cloud-process-model-service and activiti-cloud-org-service as dependencies and publish a docker image containing that application

@ffazzini created a kubernetes cluster running on alfresco aws, deployed and tested successfully activiti main components

@ryandawsonuk improved the memory profile of the components for the trending topics twitter example and applied this back to the other examples, now enabling us to run more replicas of services and process at a higher rate of tweets when running in minikube

@erdemedeiros updated Spring Boot Maven plugin to version 2.0.0.M7. Review and merging pending PRs. Start adding the flow node id (from the process definition) to the integration requests in order to improve the audit events.

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