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The official documentation is at: http://docs.alfresco.com
NOTE: This document details the Forms Engine for Alfresco 3.4, for the latest documentation click here.
The Alfresco web client presents 'forms' (data view & entry dialogs) throughout its user interface (DM & WCM). In v2.X, these 'forms' are implemented in multiple ways, from hand-coding JSF to declaring an XSD.
The v3 web client is being built on a web framework that is designed to enable the development of all kinds of web sites (by the wider community). Forms play an important part of web sites and as such the framework needs to provide a convention for implementing them.
The Forms architecture in v3.2 onwards replaces the monolithic and duplicated approach of the JSF property sheet component and xforms.js in v2.X. The same services will be used for both DM and WCM forms, meaning there will be only one configuration syntax and one set of UI controls.
This page describes where and how forms are used and provides details on how they can be configured, this page is therefore aimed at administrators, if you are a developer or are looking to produce customized forms please read the Forms Developer Guide.
Forms are used heavily in the Share and Web Editor clients, a screenshot from both clients is shown below.
Form-in-share.jpg | Form-in-awe.jpg |
Share now uses the forms engine for the simple and full Edit Metadata pages, the Create Content dialog and Data Lists, some of the underlying forms technology is also used for a majority of the other forms you'll find in Share. The Alfresco Web Editor is focused around the forms engine, forms are used to edit the properties and the content of nodes displayed in a website.
As the contents of the forms are completely driven from configuration, custom types, custom aspects, their properties and their associations can be displayed without a single line of code.
Set Label
Help Text
The forms engine generates and renders forms dynamically, configuration is required to manage all aspects of the form i.e what fields should appear in what order and what control should be used to edit the value of the field. The following sections fully explain how forms can be configured, where to place the files and what options are available.
The default Forms configuration can be found in the file named 'form-config.xml' which can be found in the WEB-INF/classes/alfresco folder when deployed in an appserver. The source file can be found in the root/projects/web-framework-commons/config/alfresco folder. This file contains all the default controls and constraint handlers for the Alfresco content model.
Each application then has it's own form configuration file that defines the forms for the built-in cm:content and cm:folder types, for Share this file is named 'share-form-config.xml' and can be found in the root/projects/slingshot/config/alfresco folder or in WEB-INF/classes/alfresco when deployed to an appserver.
Form configuration should be supplied in a separate file, it is not recommended to change the out-of-the-box files as these modifications will typically be removed when you update your WAR. Each application has it's own extension hook point, for Share the file is named 'share-config-custom.xml', for the file is named 'awe-config-custom.xml' and if you're using the Forms Development Kit a file named 'fdk_config-custom.xml' is searched for.
Regardless of the application the extension file should be placed outside the application, for Tomcat installations (presuming it has been configured to) this means <tomcat>/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension.
The syntax and available configuration options are shown and described below. Attributes within [ and ] are optional, the values within the attributes indicate what type of value is expected.
<type name='type' template='path'>
<control-param name='name'>value</control-param>
<constraint type='id' validation-handler='function' [message-id='key'] [message='string'] [event='string'] />
<js src='path' />
<css src='path' />
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='type'>
<form [id='string'] [submission-url='url']>
<view-form template='path' />
<edit-form template='path' />
<create-form template='path' />
<show id='string' [for-mode='view|edit|create'] [force='boolean'] />
<hide id='string' [for-mode='view|edit|create'] />
<set id='string' appearance='fieldset|panel|bordered-panel|title|whitespace|' [parent='string'] [label='string'] [label-id='key'] [template='path'] />
<field id='string' [label-id='key'] [label='string'] [description-id='key'] [description='string']
[help='string'] [help-id='key'] [read-only='boolean'] [mandatory='boolean'] [set='string']>
<control [template='path']>
<control-param name='name'>value</control-param>
<constraint type='id' validation-handler='function' [message-id='string'] [message='string'] [event='string'] />
The sections below describe each part of the XML configuration syntax in detail, alternatively, the Forms Development Kit provides several working examples that can be used to learn from.
The type element determines which control is used for each data type a field my possess, these can be overridden to allow a different control to be used across all forms, the attributes of the type element are listed and explained below.
Parameters can also be passed to the default control via the control-param element, for example if you want all your textfield's to be a certain size. Refer to the control section below for details.
The example configuration below shows how to set all mltext fields to use the textfield control.
<type name='mltext' template='/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/textfield.ftl' />
The example below shows how a parameter can be passed to a default control.
<type name='datetime' template='/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/date.ftl'>
<control-param name='showTime'>true</control-param>
The constraint element defines what JavaScript function to use to check that fields with constraints are valid before being submitted, the attributes of the constraint element are listed and explained below.
NOTE: The forms engine currently checks validation silently so the validation message is never seen, the message and message-id attributes are therefore reserved for future use.
The example configuration below shows how to define a constraint handler for the 'MANDATORY' constraint.
<constraint type='MANDATORY' validation-handler='Alfresco.forms.validation.mandatory' event='keyup' />
The dependencies element defines the list of JavaScript and CSS files required by any custom controls being used in the application. In order for valid XHTML code to be generated the dependencies need to be known ahead of time so the relevant links can be generated in the HTML <head> section.
The js element represents a JavaScript file to be loaded whereas the css element represents a CSS file to be loaded. The attributes of both elements are listed and explained below.
The example configuration below shows how to load a custom JavaScript and CSS file.
<css src='/fdk/accordion/accordion.css' />
<js src='/fdk/accordion/accordion-min.js' />
The form element, as the name would suggest, represents a form to display. If the form element exists within a config element that provides an evaluator and condition the form will only be found if the item being requested matches the condition. If the form element exists within a config element without an evaluator and condition the form is always found, this is useful if you want a certain field to appear on EVERY form in your application.
The attributes of the form element are listed and explained below.
The view-form element allows the default Freemarker template that auto generates the form UI in 'view' mode to be overridden, the attributes of the view-form element are listed and explained below.
For details on how to implement a custom view form please refer to the Forms Developer Guide.
The example configuration below shows how to supply a custom view form template.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='cm:content'>
<view-form template='/path/to/your/custom/view-form.ftl' />
The edit-form element allows the default Freemarker template that auto generates the form UI in 'edit' mode to be overridden, the attributes of the edit-form element are listed and explained below.
For details on how to implement a custom edit form please refer to the Forms Developer Guide or see the Forms Development Kit for a working example.
The example configuration below shows how to supply a custom edit form template.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='cm:content'>
<edit-form template='/path/to/your/custom/edit-form.ftl' />
The create-form element allows the default Freemarker template that auto generates the form UI in 'create' mode to be overridden, the attributes of the create-form element are listed and explained below.
For details on how to implement a custom create form please refer to the Forms Developer Guide.
The example configuration below shows how to supply a custom create form template.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='cm:content'>
<create-form template='/path/to/your/custom/create-form.ftl' />
The children of the field-visibility element define which fields are going to appear on the form, unless a custom template is used as explained in the previous sections.
The rules for determining whether a particular field will be shown or hidden are as follows:
The show element specifies a field that should appear on the form, the attributes of the show element are listed and explained below.
The example configuration below shows how to display some common properties from the Alfresco content model.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='cm:content'>
<show id='cm:name' />
<show id='cm:title' force='true' />
<show id='size' for-mode='view' />
The hide element normally comes into play when multiple configuration files are combined as it can be used to hide fields previously configured to be shown, the attributes of the hide element are listed and explained below.
The example configuration below shows how to hide the cm:title and cm:description properties.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='cm:content'>
<hide id='cm:title' />
<hide id='cm:description' />
The example configuration below shows how to hide the cm:title property from just the edit form i.e. it will still appear in view mode.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='cm:content'>
<hide id='cm:title' for-mode='edit' />
The children of the optional appearance element define the look & feel of the controls that make up the form.
The configuration of what fields are present (field-visibility) and how they appear has been separated to provide the maximum flexibility, although maybe slightly more verbose, the separation allows the appearance to be defined for fields that are not explicitly mentioned within the field-visibility element.
The optional set element provides the ability to group fields, attributes of the set element are listed and explained below.
If neither the label-id and label attributes are supplied the value of set's id attribute is used as the label.
A default set with an id of '' (empty string) is always present, any fields without an explicit set membership automatically belong to the default set. The default set will be displayed with a label of 'Default'.
The example configuration below shows how to define a set of fields that will be rendered using a bordered panel and a label of 'Dublin Core'.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='cm:content'>
<set id='dublin-core' appearance='bordered-panel' label='Dublin Core' />
<field id='cm:publisher' set='dublin-core' />
<field id='cm:contributor' set='dublin-core' />
<field id='cm:type' set='dublin-core' />
<field id='cm:identifier' set='dublin-core' />
<field id='cm:dcsource' set='dublin-core' />
<field id='cm:coverage' set='dublin-core' />
<field id='cm:rights' set='dublin-core' />
<field id='cm:subject' set='dublin-core' />
The example configuration below shows how to define a set of fields that will be rendered using the built-in 2 column set template (there is also a 3 column template available).
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='cm:content'>
<set id='dublin-core' template='/org/alfresco/components/form/2-column-set.ftl' appearance='title' label='Dublin Core' />
<field id='cm:publisher' set='dublin-core' />
<field id='cm:contributor' set='dublin-core' />
<field id='cm:type' set='dublin-core' />
<field id='cm:identifier' set='dublin-core' />
<field id='cm:dcsource' set='dublin-core' />
<field id='cm:coverage' set='dublin-core' />
<field id='cm:rights' set='dublin-core' />
<field id='cm:subject' set='dublin-core' />
The example configuration below shows how to define a set of fields that will be rendered using a custom Freemarker template and who's label is retrieved from a resource bundle using the key 'set.label.dublincore'.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='cm:content'>
<set id='dublin-core' template='/fdk/templates/custom-set-dublincore.ftl' label-id='set.label.dublincore' />
<field id='cm:publisher' set='dublin-core' />
<field id='cm:contributor' set='dublin-core' />
<field id='cm:type' set='dublin-core' />
<field id='cm:identifier' set='dublin-core' />
<field id='cm:dcsource' set='dublin-core' />
<field id='cm:coverage' set='dublin-core' />
<field id='cm:rights' set='dublin-core' />
<field id='cm:subject' set='dublin-core' />
The example configuration below shows how to set the appearance and label of the default set.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='cm:content'>
<set id='' appearance='panel' label-id='form.set.general' />
The field element allows most aspects of a field's appearance to be controlled from the label to the control that should be used, the attributes of the field element are listed and explained below, the child elements, control and constraint-handlers are explained in the next two sections.
If neither the label-id or label attributes are provided the field label returned from the FormService is used.
If neither the description-id or description attributes are provided the field description returned from the FormService is used, this could also be empty, in which case no tooltip will be present.
If either the help-id or help attributes are provided a '?' icon is rendered at the end of the field that will reveal the help text when clicked. Fields that have a constraint applied (except regular expression constraints) automatically get help text applied with an indication of what the user needs to enter. The '?' icon will not appear when the form is in view mode.
The example configuration below shows the label and description of the cm:name field being overridden.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='cm:content'>
<field id='cm:name' label='File Name' description='The file name of the content' />
The example configuration below shows the label and description of the cm:name field being overridden where the values are retrieved from a resource bundle.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='cm:content'>
<field id='cm:name' label-id='label.name' description-id='description.name' />
The example configuration below shows the cm:author field being overridden to be read-only.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='cm:content'>
<field id='cm:author' read-only='true' />
The example configuration below shows the cm:author field being overridden to be mandatory and to have help text available.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='cm:content'>
<field id='cm:author' mandatory='true' help-id='help.author' />
The control element allows the default control being used for the field to be replaced, the attributes of the control element are listed and explained below.
The control-param sub-elements provide a mechanism to pass parameters to control templates, this template could either be the one defined locally or the template defined as the default control for the type of field. The attributes of the control-param element are listed and explained below.
The value of the parameter is defined as a child text node of the control-param element. It is implemented this way, as opposed to being an attribute, for future expansion, for example, the value could be large, contain line breaks or even structured XML.
The example configuration below shows the default control for the cm:title property being overridden.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='cm:content'>
<field id='cm:title'>
<control template='/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/textfield.ftl' />
The example configuration below shows how to change the number of rows the cm:description field displays.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='cm:content'>
<field id='cm:description'>
<control-param name='rows'>10</control-param>
The example configuration below shows how to configure the richtext control for the cm:description property using the 'full' preset.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='cm:content'>
<field id='cm:description'>
<control template='/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/richtext.ftl'>
<control-param name='editorAppearance'>full</control-param>
If fields have constraints associated with them the default behaviour i.e. what validation handler to call, what event invokes validation etc. is governed by the global constraint-handlers element. The constraint-handlers element within the field element allows aspects of the constraint to be overridden for a particular field.
The configuration syntax used to override the constraint for a field is exactly the same as used for the global constraint-handlers element.
The example configuration below shows the mandatory validation handler being overridden for the rma:reviewPeriod property.
<config evaluator='model-type' condition='dod:recordCategory'>
<field id='rma:reviewPeriod'>
<constraint type='MANDATORY' validation-handler='Alfresco.forms.validation.rmVitalRecordPeriodMandatory' />
The controls section explained how controls are configured for fields, this section covers what controls are available and the parameters they support.
The association control is used to allow objects in the repository to be picked and ultimately associated with the node being edited. The control uses the JavaScript Alfresco.ObjectFinder component to allow the user to browse the repository and pick objects.
The parameters this controls supports are listed and explained below.
The authority control is used to search for users and/or groups in the repository.
The parameters this controls supports are listed and explained below.
The category control is used to allow the user to select categories for the node being edited. The control uses the JavaScript Alfresco.ObjectPicker component to allow the user to browse the category hierarchy
The parameters this controls supports are listed and explained below.
The checkbox control renders a standard HTML checkbox control.
The parameters this controls supports are listed and explained below.
The content control renders an input area appropriate for the mime type of the content. Plain text content is shown in a standard textarea whereas rich text content i.e. HTML is rendered in a TinyMCE control, the list of mime types considered to be plain and rich content are configurable (see below). If the mime type of the content is not recognized the control is automatically hidden. The content control is also only rendered when the form is in 'edit' or 'create' mode.
The parameters this controls supports are listed and explained below.
The example configuration below shows how a TinyMCE control can be customized when used with the cm:content property.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='cm:content'>
<field id='cm:content'>
<control-param name='editorHeight'>200</control-param>
<control-param name='editorWidth'>600</control-param>
<control-param name='editorAppearance'>custom</control-param>
<control-param name='editorParameters'>
theme_advanced_resizing: true,
theme_advanced_buttons1: 'bold,italic,underline',
theme_advanced_buttons2: null,
theme_advanced_buttons3: null
NOTE: The content.ftl control expects to find a nodeRef parameter on the URL, if the parameter is not found the control will not be rendered.
The date control renders a date field allowing free form entry of dates as well as a calendar widget allowing dates to be selected visually. If appropriate a time field is also rendered.
The parameters this controls supports are listed and explained below.
NOTE: The date entry field has a CSS class of 'date-entry' and the time field has a CSS class of 'time-entry'.
The encoding control renders a selectable list of encodings.
The parameters this controls supports are listed and explained below.
The hidden control renders a standard HMTL input type='hidden' control, the value is either taken from the value of the given contextProperty parameter, from a URL argument with the name of the field or from the field's value.
The parameters this controls supports are listed and explained below.
The example configuration below shows the hidden control being used to submit the value of the 'mimeType' context property (most likely a URL argument) as a hidden field.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='cm:content'>
<field id='mimetype'>
<control template='/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/hidden.ftl'>
<control-param name='contextProperty'>mimeType</control-param>
The info control renders the field as if the form is in view mode regardless of the actual mode the form is in, this can be useful when the data needs to be present on an edit form but not rendered as a disabled input control.
This control has no parameters.
The invisible control literally renders nothing at all, it can be used when a form definition needs to be requested and returned but not displayed.
This control has no parameters.
The mimetype control renders a selectable list of mimetypes.
The parameters this controls supports are listed and explained below.
NOTE: This control was introduced in the 3.3 Enterprise release so is not present in the 3.3 or 3.3g Community releases.
The number control renders a standard HTML text field intended for accepting numbers. The only difference between this control and the textfield.ftl control is the addition of a default CSS class called 'number' applied to the input element. The 'number' CSS class reduces the width of the input element, further custom CSS classes can still be applied to the control.
The parameters this controls supports are listed and explained below.
The period control renders a selectable list of periods and an expression entry field.
The parameters this controls supports are listed and explained below.
The rich text control renders a TinyMCE editor.
The parameters this controls supports are listed and explained below.
The example configuration below shows how to use a customized TinyMCE editor for the cm:description property.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='cm:content'>
<field id='cm:description'>
<control template='/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/richtext.ftl'>
<control-param name='editorAppearance'>custom</control-param>
<control-param name='editorParameters'>
theme_advanced_resizing: true,
theme_advanced_buttons1: 'bold,italic,underline',
theme_advanced_buttons2: null,
theme_advanced_buttons3: null
The selectone control renders a standard HTML select list.
The parameters this controls supports are listed and explained below.
The selectmany control renders a standard HTML select list allowing multiple selections.
The parameters this controls supports are listed and explained below.
The size control renders a read only human readable representation of the content size.
The parameters this controls supports are listed and explained below.
The textarea control renders a standard HTML textarea field.
The parameters this controls supports are listed and explained below.
The textfield control renders a standard HTML text field.
The parameters this controls supports are listed and explained below. None of these are used in 'view' mode.
Several workflow specific controls were introduced in the 3.4 release, for details please refer to the Share Workflow page.
For information on how to troubleshoot problems when configuring forms you may find the Debugging & Testing section of the Forms Developer Guide useful.
The following sub-sections contain examples of form configurations for some common scenarios. The Forms Development Kit also contains a number of working examples that can be used to learn how to use and configure forms.
The most common scenario is configuring forms to show properties and associations from the Alfresco content model. The example configurations below use the custom type and aspect provided by the Forms Development Kit.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='fdk:gadget'>
<show id='cm:name' />
<show id='cm:description' />
<show id='fdk:make' />
<show id='fdk:model' />
<show id='fdk:pressRelease' for-mode='edit' />
The configuration above defines a form for the fdk:gadget type, it specifies that the built-in cm:name and cm:description properties, the fdk:make and fdk:model properties and the fdkressRelease association should be present. The fdk
ressRelease association control however, will only be shown when the form is in 'edit' mode.
Adding properties and associations from aspects defined in the content model is exactly the same as above. The example below shows how some of the properties from the fdk:exif aspect can be added to a form.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='fdk:gadget'>
<show id='cm:name' />
<show id='cm:description' />
<show id='fdk:make' />
<show id='fdk:model' />
<show id='fdk:pressRelease' for-mode='edit' />
<show id='fdk:manufacturer' />
<show id='fdk:originalDateTime' />
<show id='fdk:xResolution' />
<show id='fdk:yResolution' />
<show id='fdk:flash' />
As the comment in the example above implies the properties from the aspect will only be displayed if the fdk:exif aspect is actually applied to the node. To force a property or association to be displayed the force attribute can be used as shown in the example below.
<config evaluator='node-type' condition='fdk:gadget'>
<show id='cm:name' />
<show id='cm:description' />
<show id='fdk:make' />
<show id='fdk:model' />
<show id='fdk:pressRelease' for-mode='edit' />
<show id='fdk:manufacturer' force='true' />
<show id='fdk:originalDateTime' force='true' />
<show id='fdk:xResolution' force='true' />
<show id='fdk:yResolution' force='true' />
<show id='fdk:flash' force='true' />
This approach allows the properties and associations of aspects that appear to be defined on a type by type basis and allows full control over the ordering of the fields i.e. they can be intermingled with fields from other types and/or aspects.
Although the recommended approach the downside to this technique is that the configuration for the aspect fields has to be repeated for each and every type you want it to appear for, depending on your content model this could involve a lot of configuration.
To have the fields appear whenever the aspect is applied to ANY node in the repository the following configuration can be used.
<config evaluator='aspect' condition='fdk:exif'>
<show id='fdk:manufacturer' />
<show id='fdk:originalDateTime' />
<show id='fdk:compression' />
<show id='fdk:xResolution' />
<show id='fdk:yResolution' />
<show id='fdk:flash' />
Layout of forms is controlled like any other standards based web application with CSS, therefore it's a fairly simple task to move the field labels to the left of the field as opposed to above the field as is rendered by default.
The following CSS can be used to achieve this.
.form-container label
display: inline !important;
float: left;
text-align: right;
width: 8em;
margin-right: 1em;
margin-top: 0.4em;
.form-container .date-format
margin-left: 13.2em !important;
.form-container .help-text
margin-left: 11.7em;
.object-finder .show-picker
display: inline !important;
The rules above should be placed in a CSS file and included as a CSS dependency. A working example of this can be found in the FDK.
The following list of features were added in the 3.4 release.
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