12-16-2012 07:38 AM
arg0.setVariable("completeexams", listexams);
arg0.setVariable("completeidexams", listidexams);
<activiti:formProperty id="esame" type="enum">
<activiti:value id="first_id_of_exams" name="first_element_of_list" />
<activiti:value id="second_id_of_exams" name="second_element_of_list" />
12-28-2012 08:32 AM
12-28-2012 10:03 AM
12-28-2012 10:51 AM
Please explain with more details exactly what you want to do.
Frederik posted a response with his interpretation what was needed and you didn't reply to that.
What you can do with the BPMN converter module is define the values dynamically based on the database content.
If that's not what you are looking for and you need to load the values from the database when the form is rendered you would need to write this logic yourself, this is not supported by Activiti out-of-the-box.
Best regards,
10-29-2014 03:24 AM
10-30-2014 12:10 PM
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