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Workflow could not be started ! Expected 1 task but found: 0

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
We have a workflow defined and implemented in Alfresco 4.1.4 All the groups are created in an LDAP against which we authenticate.
We are upgrading to 4.2.0. The ldap connection works fine after the authentication for I am able to login as an ldap user just fine.

I am however not able to start a workflow as a user belonging to a creator group. I am however able to start the workflow as admin. The rest of the approval steps work fine for me. Just the starting fails with the error

Workflow could not be started ! Expected 1 task but found: 0

The old 4.1.4 box however is able to start the workflow just fine.

Any help debugging will be much appreciated.


Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
I think you are having backend script which is responsible for intitating that workflow.
May be some part of that script needs to be run as admin.

Hi Mits,
Thanks for responding. The process works just fine on 4.1.4, the enterprise edition; users in that group are able to start the workflow. We are trying to upgrade to the community edition, 4.2.0 On the community edition, only admin are able to start workflow.
Did something change in Acitivi so that Contributors are no longer able to start worflow ? Or would that be specific to my implementation. All other approvals that are done by Manager and Collaborators continue to work, just the first step is broken.


World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
Have you tried other community version? it might be a bug of  community edition 4.2.0.