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wiki install - debian etch

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all,

i followed the wiki (apparently perfect) to install Alfresco Labs 3 on a Debian Etch box (in this case a vmware virtual machine). First of all i wanna tell you that everything seems to work exactly like the wiki-howto describes.
Anyway, when i try to run Alfresco and to connect to the ip address nothing appears, and browser goes in connection timeout.
So i have a look on the alfresco logs, as the wiki said. That's the results


vim /opt/Alfresco/alfresco.log
   os:         Linux
   command:    [./bin/pdf2swf, -V]
   succeeded:  false
   exit code:  1
   err:        Cannot run program "./bin/pdf2swf": error=2, No such file or directory
01:51:06,918 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] Schema managed by database dialect org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect.
01:51:06,946 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] Alfresco is using the Apache Derby default database. Please only use this while evaluating Alfresco, it is NOT recommended for production or deployment!
01:51:10,395 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] Executing database script /opt/Alfresco/tomcat/temp/Alfresco/AlfrescoSchemaCreate-org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect-4476316655671900853.sql (Generated).
01:52:14,752 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] Executing database script /opt/Alfresco/tomcat/temp/Alfresco/AlfrescoSchemaUpdate-org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect-8183183755945711709.sql (Copied from classpath:alfresco/dbscripts/create/2.2/org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect/AlfrescoPostCreate-2.2-MappedFKIndexes.sql).
01:52:15,405 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] Executing database script /opt/Alfresco/tomcat/temp/Alfresco/AlfrescoSchemaUpdate-org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect-9139480339249167144.sql (Copied from classpath:alfresco/dbscripts/create/2.2/org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect/AlfrescoPostCreate-2.2-Extra.sql).
01:52:16,894 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] Executing database script /opt/Alfresco/tomcat/temp/Alfresco/AlfrescoSchemaUpdate-org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect-3436703848263811424.sql (Copied from classpath:alfresco/dbscripts/create/2.2/org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect/post-create-indexes-04.sql).
01:52:16,992 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] Executing database script /opt/Alfresco/tomcat/temp/Alfresco/AlfrescoSchemaUpdate-org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect-7024437938288511357.sql (Copied from classpath:alfresco/dbscripts/create/3.0/org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect/create-activities-extras.sql).
01:52:18,656 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] All executed statements written to file /opt/Alfresco/tomcat/temp/Alfresco/AlfrescoSchemaUpdate-All_Statements-5800784083186457272.sql.
01:54:35,216 ERROR [org.alfresco.util.exec.RuntimeExecBootstrapBean] Bootstrap command failed:
Execution result:
   os:         Linux
   command:    [soffice, -accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager, -env:UserInstallation=file:///./alf_data/oouser, -nologo, -headless, -nofirststartwizard, -nocrashrep, -norestore]
   succeeded:  false
   exit code:  2
   err:        Cannot run program "soffice": error=2, No such file or directory
01:54:40,327 WARN  [org.alfresco.repo.admin.ConfigurationChecker] The Alfresco 'dir.root' property is set to a relative path './alf_data'.  'dir.root' should be overridden to point to a specific folder.
01:54:40,328 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.admin.ConfigurationChecker] The Alfresco root data directory ('dir.root') is: ./alf_data
01:54:40,729 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.admin.patch.PatchExecuter] Checking for patches to apply …
01:54:42,779 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.admin.patch.PatchExecuter]        Applying patch 'patch.wcmFolders' (Ensures the existance of the WCM specific 'Web Projects' and 'Web Forms' folders.).
01:54:43,503 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.admin.patch.PatchExecuter]
=== Applied patch                 ===
ID: patch.wcmFolders
The Web Projects folder was successfully created: workspace://SpacesStore/144b1574-5e55-456b-8550-d43a683539e4^M
The Web Forms folder was successfully created: workspace://SpacesStore/144b1574-5e55-456b-8550-d43a683539e4
01:54:43,520 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.module.ModuleServiceImpl] Found 0 module(s).
01:54:49,053 ERROR [org.alfresco.smb.protocol] Failed to get local domain/workgroup name, using default of WORKGROUP
01:54:49,054 ERROR [org.alfresco.smb.protocol] (This may be due to firewall settings or incorrect <broadcast> setting)
01:54:53,166 WARN  [org.alfresco.util.OpenOfficeConnectionTester] An initial OpenOffice connection could not be established.
01:54:53,555 INFO  [org.alfresco.service.descriptor.DescriptorService] Alfresco JVM - v1.6.0_16-b01; maximum heap size 506,313MB
01:54:53,557 INFO  [org.alfresco.service.descriptor.DescriptorService] Alfresco started (Labs): Current version 3.0.0 (Stable 1526) schema 1002 - Installed version 3.0.0 (Stable 1526) schema 1002
01:59:17,924 WARN  [] Found more than one MBeanServer instance. Returning first from list.
01:59:22,441 INFO  [org.alfresco.config.xml.XMLConfigService$PropertyConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]

02:01:14,080 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] Schema managed by database dialect org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect.
02:01:14,112 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] Alfresco is using the Apache Derby default database. Please only use this while evaluating Alfresco, it is NOT recommended for production or deployment!
02:01:29,145 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] No changes were made to the schema.
02:01:36,961 ERROR [org.alfresco.util.exec.RuntimeExecBootstrapBean] Bootstrap command failed:
Execution result:
   os:         Linux
   command:    [soffice, -accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager, -env:UserInstallation=file:///./alf_data/oouser, -nologo, -headless, -nofirststartwizard, -nocrashrep, -norestore]
   succeeded:  false
   exit code:  2
   err:        Cannot run program "soffice": error=20, Not a directory
02:01:41,515 WARN  [org.alfresco.repo.admin.ConfigurationChecker] The Alfresco 'dir.root' property is set to a relative path './alf_data'.  'dir.root' should be overridden to point to a specific folder.
02:01:41,516 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.admin.ConfigurationChecker] The Alfresco root data directory ('dir.root') is: ./alf_data
02:01:41,727 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.admin.patch.PatchExecuter] Checking for patches to apply …
02:01:42,497 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.admin.patch.PatchExecuter] No patches were required.
02:01:42,510 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.module.ModuleServiceImpl] Found 0 module(s).
02:01:44,090 WARN  [org.alfresco.util.OpenOfficeConnectionTester] An initial OpenOffice connection could not be established.
02:01:44,492 INFO  [org.alfresco.service.descriptor.DescriptorService] Alfresco JVM - v1.6.0_16-b01; maximum heap size 506.313MB
02:01:44,501 INFO  [org.alfresco.service.descriptor.DescriptorService] Alfresco started (Labs): Current version 3.0.0 (Stable 1526) schema 1002 - Installed version 3.0.0 (Stable 1526) schema 1002
02:03:22,623 INFO  [] Successfully Initialized Web Framework
02:03:47,429 INFO  [org.alfresco.web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Registered 67 Web Scripts (+0 failed), 71 URLs
02:03:47,436 INFO  [org.alfresco.web.scripts.AbstractRuntimeContainer] Initialised Presentation Web Script Container (in 1794.6382ms)

It seems that the imagemagick libraries and the soffice one won't work correctly.
But if i do the checks described during the installation and configuration wiki, everything seems to be at his place.
Anyone can help me someway? Any idea on which i must modify to make it finally run?

thx all in advance

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
A few things to consider..  Check that you have permission to execute soffice & pdf2swf

Also in you set ooo.exe to the full path location of "soffice" and have swf.exe set to the path of your pdf2swf binary.  I actually made a symbolic link for my pdf2swf in <alfresco_home>/bin directory

For my installation the paths look like this, yours may be different.


Hope that helps.