08-04-2016 03:05 AM
if (joinedExecutions.size() >= nrOfInstances || completionConditionSatisfied(execution)) {
// Removing all active child executions (ie because completionCondition is true)
List<ExecutionEntity> executionsToRemove = new ArrayList<ExecutionEntity>();
for (ActivityExecution childExecution : executionEntity.getParent().getExecutions()) {
if (childExecution.isActive()) {
executionsToRemove.add((ExecutionEntity) childExecution);
for (ExecutionEntity executionToRemove : executionsToRemove) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("Execution {} still active, but multi-instance is completed. Removing this execution.", executionToRemove);
executionToRemove.deleteCascade("multi-instance completed");
executionEntity.takeAll(executionEntity.getActivity().getOutgoingTransitions(), joinedExecutions);
12-13-2017 09:04 PM
I face the same problem like yours. yes, the takeall() won't evaluate any EL on the sequenceflow. Yesterday i update to activiti 6 and test it in a hurry. It seems fix this issue. Today I'll double check it.
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