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Why is 'OK' greyed out when trying to import ACP file?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I exported all of my sites using the web based export tool in the background and all worked well.  Then I deleted my entire Alfresco installation and reinstalled it (for reasons I won't go into here).

When I now try to import all those sites (including about 4gig of documents), I go to sites section, then I select the browse to the ACP file using the "Browse" button and select it.  I select the check box to work in the background.  But the "OK" button is greyed out.  And it stays greyed out no matter what I have tried.  Anyone know what I am doing wrong?  Thanks!

I am using the import function found under "More options" in the Alfresco 3.2 community edition web client running on Windows 2003 server with all the default configurations.  Thank you to anyone who can help!

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
The button will stay grayed out until the file is uploaded to the server and with a file size of 4 GB it sounds like that might take a while if you're not on the same machine. Could that be the problem?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
The button will stay grayed out until the file is uploaded to the server and with a file size of 4 GB it sounds like that might take a while if you're not on the same machine. Could that be the problem?

That could possibly be the problem I suppose.  The big file is stored on the same machine as Alfresco.  I thought the same thing at first but since it looked like the web page had completed I thought it was done.  When you load an ACP file does IE look like it is "doing" anything?  Is there any way to tell if it's still "thinking"?