I have the following situation:
I definied a new role "Taster" which is like standard "Consumer" but does not allow to read the content itself:
<permissionGroup name="Taster" allowFullControl="false" expose="true" >
<includePermissionGroup type="sys:base" permissionGroup="ReadProperties"/>
<includePermissionGroup type="sys:base" permissionGroup="ReadChildren"/>
Then I have a custom aspect "A" which adds some attributes (let's see only a fragment of it):
<aspect name="my:A">
<property name="kmx:keywords">
<title>Key words</title>
<property name="cm:title">
<property name="cm:description">
Now I have a space "S1", where:
- I set a rule to apply the aspect "A" on a content
- I set EVERYONE to be a "Taster" (new role defined above)
Next I have a space "S2" which is a subspace of "S1". There:
- I set EVERYONE to be a "Collaborator"
Now when a user creates a new content within "S2", the aspect "A" is not applied automatically ! (It can be applied manually.)
WHY ??
If I change in "S1" EVERYONE to be a "Consumer", the aspect "A" is applied automatically when a user creates a new content within "S2" !
WHY ??
The difference between Consumer and Taster roles is that Consumer icnludes:
<includePermissionGroup type="sys:base" permissionGroup="ReadContent"/>
But what has this ReadContent permission to do with aspect application ??
Thanks for any hint.