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Who is using Share in production ?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Share is probably very interesting but who is using it in production ?  Do you think it's production ready ?  What are the advantages of Share compared to a custom web application connected to the repository ?  There is no activity in the official forum so … Isn't it easier to :
  -) create its own application
  -) use FlexSpaces
  -) use Jan Pfitzner application

You know, i have to do something that is "simple": a two level "validate or reject" document process:
  1) Draft: once OK then need validation
  2) Documents to Validate: documents ready for validation.  If it's OK then it moves to "Documents to Approve" and add the Validator name in a property of an aspect.  If KO -> return to "Draft"
  3) Documents to Approve: documents ready for approve.  If it's OK then it moves to "Documents to Publish" and add the Approver name in a property of an aspect.  If KO -> return to "Draft"
  4) Documents to Publish …

I can probable modify the default "Approve and reject" workflow.  Who knows …

An idea ?

When will be the "advanced worflow" integrated in Alfresco Share ?  Alfresco 3.3 ?  When will it be available, january 2010 ? June 2010 ?  Never ???


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
I can probable modify the default "Approve and reject" workflow.  Who knows …
That should be do-able with some workflow scripting, yes.
When will be the "advanced worflow" integrated in Alfresco Share ?  Alfresco 3.3 ?  When will it be available, january 2010 ? June 2010 ?  Never ???
It's planned for v3.3. We don't have a release date yet because it's still in planning.


There is no activity in the official forum
I've no idea what you mean by this. If you want a guaranteed turnaround time for your support queries, then you'll have to buy an Enterprise license.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks Mike.

I've no idea what you mean by this. If you want a guaranteed turnaround time for your support queries, then you'll have to buy an Enterprise license.

I mean that Alfresco is both commercial and opensource company.  This is the Alfresco site with Alfresco forum so, this is the official forum(s), isn't it ?  Of course, if you have another one, let me know.  I know the "quality" of the support linked to the Enterprise license, I've (tried to) use it at work…  this is a private request for a friend of mine so i can't use the company support  :wink:

Mike, you confirm exactly what i think about Alfresco.  You know, it's really a problem with Alfresco since the beginning.  As an exemple, if I want to build a GPL application with the Alffresco Community/Labs version, it's not a good idea.  There is no support and no garanty of the quality.  When you go to an Alfresco meeting they say: "no, not Community, it's Labs …".  This is the official forum for Alfresco Share and even for the Community version, we need support.

I am a fan of Alfresco since the beginning and now, I don't know.  Smiley Sad  I am a little bit disapointed.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
That's one of the reasons why Alfresco Labs no longer exists.     You should be able to rely upon the released Community versions.

But if you want any sort of Guarantee or service level agreement from Alfresco then you need to pay for it.

In the meantime its up to the community to support the community version.
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