I coded a policy very similar to the SDK example "customAspect". The problem is : can we apply the policy "onUpdateNode" recursively ?
My case :
inside userhome folder I have the folder of an alfresco registered user, call it "manager".
Inside "manager" folder I have two folders : "Mail" and "Wait".
For "Mail" and "Wait" folders, they have incoming documents from somewhere. Everytime these nodes are updated, the policy "onUpdateNode" is called which keep up to date the "counter" property of "countable" aspect applied on each folder. That's good !
The same policy is applied to "manager" folder to keep up to date the total number of document (sum of "Mail" and "Wait" counter).
But when I directly move a document into "Mail" for example, only the policy of "Mail" folder is called and NOT the one of "manager" where as the "Mail" has been updated internaly (one document arrived) and even renamed as "Mail(1)".
I need that from one move of document into "Mail" , the "Mail" and "Manager" folder have their "counter" property updated (=> calling two times the policy for one move only).
Thanks for your help !