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Which File to Install?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

My, what a lot of choices!  war file, tomcat, jboss …  Smiley Happy

I am evaluating Alfresco 2.9B on an XP box that already has JBoss 4.0.4 running a couple of applications (off and on, since it's a development box.)  Eventually I will deploy the production version to linux (either ubunto or core 😎 and that machine might or might not have JBoss on it to run these app's.   I don't know if these applications will ever be fit for EJB3 or modern web service container configuration (i.e. newer JBoss.)

I suspect (keep digging in the install guide but the right phrase hides from me) that Alfresco wants a non-archaic version of JBoss to play in.  It might also want a specific version of tomcat if I supply my own.

Which is the "preferred" (primary?  inital?) file to install from for development and evaluation on XP?

Which would be the "preferred" file to use for install to production later?

Finally which config file is the right one to modigy to tell whichever server (if not the JBoss I have already) to use a different port than 8080?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
If this is for quick 'n' dirty evaluation purposes on Windows, I'd suggest downloading the binary installer (AlfrescoCommunity-2.9.0B-Setup.exe).  This includes a copy of the correct version of Tomcat and uses the embedded HSQLDB database, so the only pre-requisite is JDK 1.5 (which can be obtained from

The list of platforms we certify the Enterprise edition can be found at - while you're free to run the Community edition on anything you like, you'll get the best results from sticking to one of the platform combinations we've tested with.