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When i can use dashboards? When i can use dialogs ?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Dear Gurus,

I have a question related to the dashboard & dialogs and its summarize by,

Where i can use Dashboards and when ?

Where i can use Dialogs ?

I'm talking here from business perspective or technical perspective.

Can anyone help me, ASAP.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Mohammed -

I guess I'm a little confused by your question in terms of what you mean by "Dialogs". If you could be a little more specific about what you mean, I can give you a better answer. However, I'll see if I can provide a little background here.

Alfresco provides two types of "landing pages" for the Alfresco Share application - a user-specific dashboard that is the first thing a user is directed to after a user logs in, and a site specific dashboard for each Site that has been configured for users to use. The user-specific dashboard is always accessible to a user by clicking on the "My Dashboard" icon at the top of the screen. An individual user can modify their dashboard to display information of interest to the particular user by selecting the "Customize Dashboard" button at the top of the dashboard page. The user can elect to change the layout of their personal dashboard and/or change the "Dashlets" that are present on the dashboard page. "Dashlets" are Share based web scripts that can query the repository and present a view or summary of items that are of interest, like documents that have recently been modified. Alfresco ships with a large number of preconfigured dashlets, and you can also code and add in your own for more specific functions.  

If a user navigates to a Site, the second kind of landing page - the one set up for the site - is shown. A system administrator or the site manager have permissions to modify the content on the site dashboard, but individual users do not. The Site dashboard can also be reached by selecting the "Site Dashboard" link from the site navigation menu bar. This dashboard can be used to display status updates to users interested in the content contained in the site.

Alfresco also contains a forms package that can be used in a number of different situations to elicit information from a user. The forms package is used to generate the page that you see when you select the "Edit Poperties" action in the document library, for example. This is more like a "dialog". The forms package can be used to add a form by creating an entry in the share-custom-config.xml configuration file for the instance where you want to have it displayed. Additional information about how to use the forms package can be found in the Alfresco documentation at

I hope this answers your question - please follow up if you need more information.

Kevin Dorr

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks Smiley Happy