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what is workflowdefID?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I want to know what does workflowdefID look like so I can identify it? this is what I get when I do show workflows all in workflow console.

id: jbpm$4442 , desc: PLease approve this task Description , start date: 2009-07-20 09:38:57.0 , def: jbpm$chiwf:submit v1

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

If you query a task, the workflowdefID is clearly labeled. For example;

last command: query task taskId=jbpm$20174
Duration: 20ms

found 1 tasks.
task id: jbpm$20174 , name: ygwf:startWorkflow_c , properties: 17, process id: WorkflowInstance[id=jbpm$1494,active=true,def=WorkflowDefinition[id=jbpm$317,name=jbpm$ygwf:consulting,version=13,title=Yankee Group: Consulting Workflow,startTask=WorkflowTaskDefinition[id=ygwf:startWorkflow_c,metadata=ClassDef[name={}startWorkflow_c]]]]

From your example it looks like you query your tasks or another user's tasks. To get additional info about the task and workflow, query the task ID. Using your example try this, 'query task taskID=jbpm$4442'. You should get some output similar to what I posted above.
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