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What is the fast way of developing workflows?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I currently restart the server after making each change… which takes awhile, maybe 2 minutes. So it's definitely not the fastest way of developing workflows. I tried using the Eclipse plugin but after deploying from Eclipse, I don't see the workflow in the list of available ones. Furthermore, the workflows developed in Eclipse don't have bundled models, tasks, and messages?

I'd like to ask experiences users how you guys go about developing a medium-complex workflow. Is there is a good way of doing it without restarting the server every 5 minutes?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
You can use the Workflow console to redeploy and reload modified process definition files. Models can be dropped in the data dictionary and reloaded.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
you can easily create workflow if you are using alfresco3.3 as it has inbuild jbpm..
just go to companyhome/datadictionary/model for creating workflow model.
during creating the content for model file just click on active model the model will automatically active
like wise u can also workflow deployed  while creating  processdefinition within datadictionary/workflowdefinition….
so i think it wont take many time..