03-10-2011 12:00 PM
03-22-2011 04:53 PM
<shortname>Get categories</shortname>
<description><![CDATA[Gets all the categories defined (aspect cm:generalclassifiable if aspect not specified) or if the path is specifed only categories under that path.]]></description>
<description><![CDATA[category path (for example - 'Software Document Classification/Software Descriptions')]]></description>
<description><![CDATA[if 0, return only direct subcategories of the category, otherwise return whole tree of subcategories]]></description>
<description><![CDATA[classification aspect]]></description>
<format default="json">argument</format>
categories.get.json.ftl<#escape x as jsonUtils.encodeJSONString(x)>
<#macro dumpCategories categories recurse>
<#list categories as c>
"nodeRef": "${c.nodeRef}",
"name": "${c.name}",
"description": "${(c.properties.description!"")}",
<#if c.children?size > 0 && recurse != 0>"children": [<@dumpCategories c.children recurse/>],</#if>
"create": ${c.hasPermission("CreateChildren")?string},
"edit": ${c.hasPermission("Write")?string},
"delete": ${c.hasPermission("Delete")?string}
}<#if c_has_next>,</#if>
<#if categories.error?has_content>
"results": ${categories.items?size?c},
<#if categories.path?has_content>"path": "${categories.path}",</#if>
<#if categories.recurse?has_content>"recurse": ${categories.recurse?c},</#if>
<@dumpCategories categories.items categories.recurse!0/>
categories.get.jsmodel.categories = getCategories();
function getCategories() {
try {
var aspect = args["aspect"] == null ? "cm:generalclassifiable" : args["aspect"];
var nodes = roothome.childrenByXPath("/cm:categoryRoot/" + aspect);
if(nodes != null && nodes.length == 1) {
var path = args["path"];
var recurse = args["recurse"] == null ? 0 : parseInt(args["recurse"]) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
if(path == null || path == "") {
return({"items" : nodes[0].children, "recurse" : recurse});
} else {
nodes = nodes[0].childByNamePath("/" + path);
if(nodes != null) {
return({"items" : nodes.children, "recurse" : recurse});
} else {
return({"error" : {"number" : 200, "msg" : "Subcategory with path " + aspect + "/" + path + " does not exist."}});
} else {
return({"error": {"number":100, "msg":"Root category with aspect " + aspect + " does not exist."}});
} catch(e) {
status.setCode(status.STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.toString());
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