08-01-2010 08:00 PM
08-01-2010 08:35 PM
<shortname>File Upload Form Sample</shortname>
<description>Form for uploading file content and metadata into Repository</description>
08-01-2010 08:42 PM
var filename = null;
var content = null;
var title = "";
var description = "";
// locate file attributes
for each (field in formdata.fields)
if (field.name == "title")
title = field.value;
else if (field.name == "desc")
description = field.value;
else if (field.name == "file" && field.isFile)
filename = field.filename;
content = field.content;
// ensure mandatory file attributes have been located
if (filename == undefined || content == undefined)
status.code = 400;
status.message = "Uploaded file cannot be located in request";
status.redirect = true;
// create document in company home for uploaded file
upload = companyhome.createFile("upload" + companyhome.children.length + "_" + filename) ;
upload.properties.content.mimetype = "UTF-8";
upload.properties.title = title;
upload.properties.description = description;
// setup model for response template
model.upload = upload;
08-12-2013 07:29 AM
04-03-2014 12:08 PM
04-04-2014 08:13 AM
var espacio = search.xpathSearch("app:company_home/cm:Mi_x0020_carpeta")[0];
var doc = espacio.createFile("upload" + espacio.children.length + "_" + filename);
var espacio = companyhome.childByNamePath("Mi carpeta");
var doc = espacio.createFile("upload" + espacio.children.length + "_" + filename);
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