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Web Service call Rest

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi together, (sorry for my useless english^^)

Its there a standard how to call a rest-service? I try right now to call a rest service without soap, but I think im doing a lot of "hacks"…

ps: this march are my final thesis and the subject of this thesis is activiti, so this month I have time to learn activiti. Till now i can just use the offered services (repoService, historyService, runtimeService etc. pp.), but I need more to learn about activiti, I need to know EVERYTHING about webservices and reports… (I think this two parts are the importants of my thesis), so my second question is:

whats the fastest/easiest way to learn activiti? Should i just download the source and study the code??
Are some meetings about activiti in switzerland (basel) or germany, austria?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
sry forgot to say its to call a rest-service directly from bpmn

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
The best way to learn Activiti is to read the user guide and the books available for Activiti. Calling a REST service can be implemented using a JavaDelegate.

Best regards,

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
OK, Im doing it already so…

I thinked this is "not a good solution", ok so I want to create a jar (for me, no standards ^^):
- Every rest-request from the bpmn is using the same class, same method
- This method picks the variables: uri, method
- This method maps the variables (as example id, and form-keys, form-values) to hashmap (final type: json) and request the service

Is this the way 'like an activiti-developer'?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Yes, that's how it's done.