I have tried to test this tutorial: http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Web_Scripts_Hello_World_Quick_Start I follow every step, but when it comes to part "Click Refresh list of Web Scripts. You see a message indicating there is one additional web script." it will fail.
I mean, it does NOT tell me that there is one additional script. Instead it says:
"Maintenance Completed Reset Web Scripts Registry; found 41 Web Scripts. Previously, there were 41."
Try to upload your three files (the desc file, the js file and the response file) using FTP to the folder Webscript Extensions. I use webscripts every day and never had a problem
Check that your files are named properly, I mean if you have the webscript "helloWorld" you should have "helloWorld.get.js", "helloWorld.get.desc.xml" and "helloWorld.get.xml.ftl" (the response file could be helloWorld.get.html.ftl or even a js).
Well, I tried to manually put those files in /opt/alfresco/tomcat/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/templates/webscripts/org/alfresco and then tried to refresh list, but still no success… It just don't find anything new files.
Btw, is my folder even right (Yes, it is installed in /opt/alfresco/tomcat/alfresco)?
Well. I downloaded alfresco on my own computer, made clean install and tried that step-by-step tutorial and it worked well. So, it seems that something is totally crashed on that another machine.
But anyway, thanks. I am going to develop apps now on my own computer…