I need to show content stored in alfresco and I still don't know what's the best way to do it.
I have alfresco 2.1 and I'm storing documents into specific spaces for every company's area; I need to show every space's content into a different micro-web-site; besides, I need to bring Advanced search functionality; search by document type (being this an attribute of new content type), search last modified by document type, etc.
I need to show spaces and sub-spaces in a tree way, and when the user clicks on a document, show that content;
In summary, what I need is…
- Tree list of a space
- When user clicks on a document, open it.
- Search form for simple and advanced search.
Any recomendations about the best way of doing this?… WCM? Custom web app using Webscripts and web services? using portlets into a portal like liferay?