hello , I ve been working on alfresco4.0.b wcm integration with liferay 6.1. i ve created web project called sample and web form. web content is created using the web form- sample.html,sample.xml in user sandbox. after submission, it moves to the staging sandbox.virtual server is on. when i click on the preview of sample.html , it opens up with the content which contains both text and image. the url of preview: "http://tom.www--sandbox.127-0-0-1.ip.alfrescodemo.net:8180/sample.html "
and also when i try to get the content of the file through webscript, it shows only the text not the images. "GET /alfresco/service/api/wcm/webprojects/sample/sandboxes/sample/assets/content/www/avm_webapps/ROOT/sample.html "
it has to do with the way that the image file itself is referenced. Each of the access points you are using are different.
1) Viewed as web page, and the proper relative img src is working, going through a "web-server" 2) You are viewing the raw file itself 3) You are viewing the raw file itself