01-27-2012 11:15 AM
node.setProperty("cm:autoVersion", true);
01-27-2012 04:29 PM
01-30-2012 06:49 AM
You need to make sure your first version is a major version rather than a minor version.
(There's an extra property to set)
01-30-2012 07:00 AM
01-30-2012 07:18 AM
No the previous behaviour was incorrect and has been fixed. The first minor version should be 0.1 rather than 1.0. The first major version will still be 1.0, that is unchanged.
02-13-2012 08:37 AM
02-14-2012 10:12 AM
Found another related 'issue' (i'm using alfresco 4.0.0 (3979))
If the versionable aspect is applied using a rule, and the document is added using explorer, 3 possible outcomes, depending on the wizard
Case 1:
You upload the file, and then you unmark the 'Modify all properties when this page closes.' the document is loaded with version 0.1
Case 2:
You upload the file, and then you leave the 'Modify all properties when this page closes.' and you unmark the 'Auto Version' the document is loaded with version 0.1
Case 3:
You upload the file, and then you leave the 'Modify all properties when this page closes.' and leave the 'Auto Version' the document is loaded with version 0.2
Case 3 is really odd. I also found that the properties memorized in the 0.1 are the ones written in the first page (for example, name property is present in both pages). Makes sense, but imho there should be only one version.
02-14-2012 10:20 AM
So in any case the first version of the document is 1.0?
04-03-2012 07:05 PM
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