Hello,I think enhancing the webscripts.container bean should do the trick, e.g.<blockcode> <bean id="webscripts.container" class="org.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.RepositoryContainer" parent="webscripts.abstractcontainer"> <property name="name"><value>Repository</value></property> <property name="scriptObjects"> <map merge="true"> <entry key="paging"> <ref bean="webscripts.js.paging"/> </entry> <entry key="remote"> <ref bean="webscripts.script.remote" /> </entry> <entry key="cmis"> <ref bean="webscripts.js.cmis.client" /> </entry> </map> </property> <!– more boring properties –> </bean></blockcode>I don't know about scheduled actions though, as the ScriptRemote class is not a valid processor extension and can not be added as a root object to the internal Rhino script processor.RegardsAxel