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Using custom webscript in DojoSelect

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

I have created a webscript that displays items of datalists. In my custom page I have an option of creating the items of the lists and one of the items I have to select items of other lists. What I wanted to know was can I use my custom webscript URI in Dojoselect? If so a tutorial will be helpful. Also is there a URI I can use in DojoSelect that will display the list of items of datalists?

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
What version of Alfresco are you using?

The short answer is no, you can't use DojoSelect for this (that's not it's purpose). Depending upon what version of Alfresco and Aikau you are using you should look to be using alfresco/lists/AlfList (or one of its descendent widgets) for rendering lists.

I am using Alfresco 5.0.c.
I am using DojoSelect since it is part of alfresco/forms/controls. When I click create new datalist item button a form is displayed. Since, one of the custom datalists has associations with items of other datalists, I should be able to list the corresponding items in the form and select them. Will alfresco/lists/AlfList allow me to do that?

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
If you're using 5.0.c I would strongly recommend upgrading to using 5.0.d so that you can get the latest bug-fixes as well as having access to the latest Aikau code (see

The alfresco/lists/AlfList will enable you to list any data set you want and the data it displays can be driven by publishing the details of what should be selected. There is lots of information on using the list widgets in the Aikau tutorial on GitHub here:

You may also want to check out some of my previous blog posts on working with data lists that start here:


Hi, I am able to list the datalist items in DojoSelect but now the problem is that when I try to create the datalist item with the correct associations it throws the following exception:
serviceDataList, source role=null, target role=null]
Required target Multiplicity: 1..1
Actual target Multiplicity: 0
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