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User Task attribute category can´t be set

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Eclipse plugin Activiti Designer, do not provide the field to set the category of userTask, but if it added manually to xml definition, Activiti engine load it to the task when the process is instantiated, the category could be retrieved via de Activiti API, the xml file could see like this:

<userTask id="sid-C58124D0-8E0E-4D10-B0E5-52F3065CF266" name="Generar Memorando Jefe Departamento" activiti:candidateGroups="RLS_GT_DEV_JEFE" activiti:formKey="/gt/dev/tramite/generarMemorandoUI" "activiti:category="MULTIPLE">

The problem raises when the process definition is open with the activiti designer, when some change is stored the resulting xml file duplicate the manually added attribute category, as you could see in the above example…

<userTask id="sid-C58124D0-8E0E-4D10-B0E5-52F3065CF266" name="Generar Memorando Jefe Departamento" activiti:candidateGroups="RLS_GT_DEV_JEFE" activiti:category="MULTIPLE" activiti:formKey="/gt/dev/tramite/generarMemorandoUI" xmlns:activiti="" activiti:category="MULTIPLE">

Please it is possible to avoid the attribute duplication.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
That is most likely a bug. Could you submit a Jira issue?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
The Jira issue has been submited at