removed the files that you thought to be problematic and the problem persisted. In fact, I have already tried the following statements and it worked. But then, all the users etc. are cleaned up, and in this way I will have to recreate all the users, spaces etc. The problem is that, alfresco in some way puts some last previous deployment info into to the mysql database, and without removing these tables I cannot restart alfresco. Maybe you know which mysql table to delete, so I can proceed.
Thank you very much for your last quick reply.
cd "D:\alfresco"
call alf_stop.bat
cd "D:\alfresco\jboss\server\default\tmp"
del * /S /Q
rmdir deploy /S /Q
rmdir aopdynclasses /S /Q
cd "D:\alfresco\extras\databases\mysql"
call db_remove.bat
call db_setup.bat
cd "C:\Documents and Settings\ozlemi\Local Settings\Temp"
rmdir Alfresco /S /Q
rmdir bye6D8.tmp /S /Q
rmdir DRDld /S /Q
rmdir hsperfdata_ozlemi /S /Q
rmdir sv87o.tmp /S /Q
rmdir VBE /S /Q
rmdir svicj.tmp /S /Q
rmdir Temp /S /Q
cd "D:\alfresco\jboss\server\default\conf\alfresco\extension"
del custom-db-and-data-context.xml /S /Q
del custom-db-connection.properties /S /Q
del custom-hibernate-dialect.properties /S /Q