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update node properties via web services

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello Smiley Happy

I'm trying to write a class which get a content via a lucene query, very if the content has a custom aspect and then update a specific property inside this aspect.
I'm new to the web service api. I've read the sample codes in the SDK but there are some points I don't understand…

Here is my current code :

// get the corresponding nodeRef in the Repository
                 Query query = new Query(Constants.QUERY_LANG_LUCENE, "+TYPE:\"mcm:resource\" AND +PATH:\"/app:company_home/custom:company_home//*\" AND +@mcm\\:xpath:\"" + docXpath + "\"");
                 QueryResult queryResult = repositoryService.query(STORE, query, false);
                 // Display the results
                 ResultSet resultSet = queryResult.getResultSet();
                 ResultSetRow[] rows = resultSet.getRows();
                 if (rows != null){
                    // Get the id of the first result
                     String firstResultId = rows[0].getNode().getId();
                     Reference reference = new Reference(STORE, firstResultId, null);
                  // Read the node from the respository
                     Content[] readResult =
                                                         new Predicate(new Reference[]{reference}, STORE, null),
                     Content content = readResult[0];

I don't know what to do with my Content object. Could you give me a hand please ? Smiley Happy

Thank you.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

You can find information about the Content object here

What do you want to do with the Content object?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Smiley Happy

I would like to check if my content has the aspect tag:taggable ( or has the property tag:tags which is part of the tag:taggable aspect), add it if it's not the case and then set the property tag:tags.

I've changed a part of the code :

if (rows != null){
         // Create a reference to the node to manage its content
    String firstResultId = rows[0].getNode().getId();
    Reference reference = new Reference(STORE, firstResultId, null);
    Predicate p = new Predicate(new Reference[]{reference},STORE,null);
    // get tags and tags'xpaths as arrays
    String[] tags = getTagsFromXpathAsArray(docTagsList);
    String[] xpaths = getTagsXpathsAsArray(docTagsList);
    // create CMLUpdate instances to update corresponding properties.
    CMLUpdate updateTagsXpaths = new CMLUpdate( new NamedValue[]{Utils.createNamedValue(TAG_XPATH_PROP, xpaths)},p,null);
    CMLUpdate updateTags = new CMLUpdate( new NamedValue[]{Utils.createNamedValue(TAG_TAGS_PROP, tags)},p,null);
   // create a CML instance and execute updates.
   CML cml = new CML();
   cml.setUpdate(new CMLUpdate[]{updateTagsXpaths,updateTags});  
   UpdateResult[] result = repositoryService.update(cml);
   System.out.println("tags successfully copied…");

Regarding performances is it better to use CMLupdate or Content object ?