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unable to view the custom jsp

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

we are trying to view the the custom jsp page given in SDK projects.
We did the following:
1) generated build. Then got the following files - custom-jsp.jar and document-details.jsp
2) copied the above jsp file to webapps/alfresco/jsp/extension
3) copied the above jar to webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/lib
4) restarted the server.

the jsp changes the appearance of 'view details' action of a content item.
we could not able to see the any change in 'view details' appaearance of a content item.

can anybody help in this regard, where are we going worng?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Can any one help on this ..we are following the steps given in the wiki
Unfortunately, to override JSF configuration differs depending on what you want to override. For whatever reason, JSF has a first one wins policy for navigation rules and a last one wins policy for managed beans.

We therefore provide hooks for JSF configuration at the start and the end of JSF initialisation. To hook in at the beginning (i.e. to override a navigation rule,) create a faces-config.xml and package the file within a JAR within the META-INF folder. To hook in at the end, create a faces-config-custom.xml file and copy it to the WEB-INF folder of the Alfresco web application (this should replace our empty placeholder file).

As a guide the table below shows which file JSF config should go to:
Override    File and Location
Overriding navigation rules    faces-config.xml in META-INF
Overriding managed beans    faces-config-custom.xml in WEB-INF
New navigation rules    Either
New managed beans    Either

But unfortunately it does not work at the moment
