I have user space created with name Lincoln in company home ( Root space). I want to have folder( space) with UID in lincoln. I have tried with below configuration in authentication-services-context.xml but its not able to create it. I don't know what value should be given for the path property if the user space is created from the web client. Or Do we have to define a space in repository.properties, if so what should be the value for space configuration.
Thanks in advance, below are the configurations.
<bean name="userHomesHomeFolderProvider" class="org.alfresco.repo.security.person.UIDBasedHomeFolderProvider">
<property name="serviceRegistry">
<ref bean="ServiceRegistry" />
<property name="path">
<property name="storeUrl">
<property name="homeFolderManager">
<ref bean="homeFolderManager" />
<!–<property name="templatePath">
<property name="inheritsPermissionsOnCreate">
<property name="ownerPemissionsToSetOnCreate">
<property name="userPemissions">
2. <property name="path">