Is it possible to turn off indexing of the old versions of the nodes ? I don't need such functionality and the problem is that there are 32000 directories in the alfresco/lucene-indexes/workspace/lightWeightVersionStore directory and I cannot update the content at all I'm using alfresco 2.1
PS Is it safe to delete some directories manually ?
If you're using Enterprise 2.1 then you should upgrade to the latest service pack. If you're using Community 2.1 then you could consider upgrading to latest Community 3.x.
Note: if you do decide to upgrade from 2.x to 3.x then this will migrate your version store (see above wiki page) … so, as with any upgrade, please take a full backup and restore this to a separate test instance, so that you can thoroughly test your upgrade.
Thanks janv I was under pressure so I've found and tried to change configuration of the indexerAndSearcherFactory bean but it didn't work for me. I made a mistake or because of defaultBinding property version store is always indexed (in 2.1) In the end I've replaced IndexerComponent by my mock implementation. After upgrade I'll recreate the indexes and hope everything will be ok