I installed Alfresco Mobile as a "Managed App", this worked fine according to the MDM.
Unfortunately, I can't get the iOS app to connect over an AppTunnel, and I didn't find any description of possible configuration values to set via AppConfig. I searched for AppConnect all over this forum, the source code repos of API and App on Github and the issues in Alfresco's Jira, but got 0 results everywhere. It seems to be impossible to get any qualified information (besides hundreds of press announcements).
We don't yet support MobileIron on iOS. In that pdf you linked to, you'll notice: "Alfresco Mobile for MobileIron is available on Android today (iOS version is upcoming)" I don't have a date for when that might be, but we're actively working with MobileIron and selected partners to help speed along the process.
Thank you for this clarification. Since the Alfresco Mobile App for iOS was updated after this announcement, I guessed this was the "upcoming" version. Glad to hear you are working on this, though.
Can you confirm that you're working on both AppConfig (for pre-configuring the server config) and AppTunnel (for tunneling to internal servers via Sentry) functionality? Will the generic AppStore app support this?
I understand that there's no date set yet. Is it realistic to expect *something* this year or should we rather curb our enthusiasm?
Yes, we'll be looking to support both config and tunnelling for the MobileIron platform, much the same way as we do for the Good Dynamics app.
I can't really give a ballpark timescale as the MobileIron SDK is an unknown quantity right now and we need to work out how it fits into the broader runtime config plans we've already got underway. Realistically it's probably not going to be this year.