I'm installing Alfresco Labs 3 & Tomcat separately and I'm having trouble finding necessary XML configuration files. Specifically, files I could not find in the Alfresco.War tar are: 1) application-context.xml <– this seems to be the most important file according to –> wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Repository_Configuration#New_Installations 2) core-services-context.xml 3) repository.properties 4) hibernate-cfg.properties, hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto
You shouldn't need to touch any of the files you list. Yes they are important but they live within the alfresco war and you shouldn't need to fiddle with them.
If you need to change a setting then you are provided with sample files which will go into your tomcat/extensions folder. If you want to change a setting then you rename to remove the word "sample".