Following on from Jim's comment above, a typical entry we are seeing in the ACT_RU_JOB table looks like this. You can see that it's already got to revision 42. The revision continues to increment every 3 minutes, yet the job has never actually been executed - you can see the retries is still at 3. So the process instance just stays sitting on the timer.
183044,42,timer,2015-10-26 11:25:23.8,30707a1d-d3ac-4146-95e0-a224bd9dbf62,t,183043,162545,TEST-v3:1:162544,3,,,2015-10-26 08:00:00,,timer-intermediate-transition,{"activityId":"sid-0F08BA31-98E7-400D-B2AB-32C33776B44E"},312