I'm new to alfresco and i'm trying to generate thumbnails of files (after upload via a webscript). I can upload the file and get the thumbnail (with the alfresco service using avatar/imgpreview) but, i would like to add some others options in the transformers in order to change the quality or the colors (-monochrome) for example. (i think alfresco use imageMagick to generate the images files but i really dont know how to add some parameters to imageMagik)
Thanks a lot
PS : i started to play with alfresco last week so i'm a beginner
I wrote a blog post on thumbnails a while back. Some of the details may have changed since then, but you might see if it helps.
Basically, the thumbnail options are specified in a Spring Bean XML config file. That file is in /WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/thumbnail-service-context.xml.
You can override those beans by copying the file into /WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/extension/ and modifying as you see fit.
More info on overriding the config can be found on this wiki page.
Thanks a lot for your answer, and for your blog which helped me a lot. Actually, I've discovered the commandOption property this afternoon, so I can now use some imageMagick option to set the quality of the image (or -monochrome).