Helllo I have alfresco 2.1 running on jboss with an apache frontend using mod_jk. I have configured apache to serve its pages via https not http. This configuration is working fine with firefox 2(except i get a certificate problem with the image that is pulled from https://www.alfresco.com). When i try to load the web client in IE6 i get "The page cannot be displayed", and when I try to load it in IE7 i get "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". Does anyone have any idea's how I can correct this problem, without telling people that they can not use IE?
This problem is a result of the KeepAlive setting in httpd. By default this setting is set to Off, change it to On and it will start to work. If using SSL, check the line 'SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0'. When i commented this line out, the problem went away when using SSL. I would like to thank the guy over on the Tomcat Connector mailing list for helping me out.