02-22-2008 05:43 AM
02-22-2008 08:30 AM
02-22-2008 11:05 AM
assertNull("Missing key should return null value", registryService.getProperty(KEY_X_Y_Z_0));
assertNull("Missing key should return null value", registryService.getProperty(KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST));
Thanks,02-25-2008 12:20 AM
02-25-2008 12:14 PM
cd <dev-head>/code/root
ant build-tomcat
then you can try running individual test classes, eg:ant run-test -Dtestcase=org.alfresco.repo.admin.registry.RegistryServiceImplTest -Dprojectdir=./projects/repository
In the first test, please check that 'application-context.xml' still exists in '<dev-head>/code/root/projects/repository/config/alfresco' (as referenced by 'classpath.unit.test' in 'build.xml') and that the basedir has not been overridden, eg.
ant dump-env-properties
In the second test, you will also need to pre-configure your DB character set to be UTF8 by default. For example, if you're using MySQL on Windows then you can use MySQL Administrator -> Startup Variables -> Advanced panel to set the Default Character Set to 'utf8'.Tags
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