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Templates or Presets

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Dear Alfresco Guru's,

I am trying to work on Alfresco 3.4 and i am an absolute newbie and not a rockstar at it as yet.

We have a User X who would be the Admin. We want to keep the Dashboard of other users exactly same as that of the User X (Not the dashboard isnt the same as that as a default provided dashboard from Alfresco, we have deleted certain fields on the UI according to our requirement) initially but at the same time we want to offer them the freedom to customize it as they want. Can you please guide me or provide me some info on how can i do it.

Am i suppose to change something in Preset.xml file? which is located here /WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/web-extension/site-data/presets

I have referred to this Forum post but didnt help me much either.

Hope some of you can answer my queries.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Finally found the fix after tweaking the code.
Here is my solution below
<preset id="user-dashboard">
         <!– title –>
         <!– dashboard components –>
            <region-id>component-2-1</region-id>       this means the 2nd column 1st position the original position for this is 1-1, means left top, now the calendar is shown at the middle top
            <url>/components/dashlets/user-calendar</url>    this is a calendar dashlet. basically you need this to figure out the component you are changing and the  region-id to change the position. you can create a new user and directly see that the dashlets has been changed by me. The default presets.xml is now in the same folder with the .backup ending.

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