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Task vriables with rest api GET runtime/tasks/{taskId}

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Rest call GET runtime/tasks/{taskId} returns the task related data & GET runtime/tasks/{taskId}/variables will fetch you the task variables data.

Can anybody let me know how to fetch task variables data with rest call GET runtime/tasks/{taskId} itself and not using the other url.

I want to get the task data through rest api only and not through other kinds of methods.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
You can't use the runtime/tasks/{taskId} for this to fetch both data and variable. However, you can use GET runtime/tasks?processInstanceId=123&taskDefinitionKey=taskImInterestedIn&includeTaskVariables=true. This will return all matching tasks (in this case, only one) including the task-variables

Thanks frederikheremans. got it now.