Im a beginner and i dont know solution of my problem. I communicate with Activiti via REST API. I have a simple java client a i want to manage task in activiti engine. How can I get a possible outcomes from task before complete task?
Is it some easy tutorial or method?
I think its stupid question, but i have to solve this problem without good knowledge Engine…
thanks for reply. Im sorry I asked the question wrong. My problem is: I have task, user completed task with some properties (obviously via form) and then is exclusive gateway… Activiti Engine make decision based on form properties. Is it right?
So form is the way how communicate with user via REST API?
Activiti makes decisions based on variables. By default, each submitted form-property is saved as a variable. So you can indeed use form-property-values to make decisions in a gateway later on in the process.
You can use the form-properties to indeed accept user-input and send it to activiti using REST. Alternatively, you can use the Java-api as well to submit form-porperties in code.