Good morning community !. I am struggling to configure the sending of emails. The service is running fine however when the user receives the email, like subject appears: Alfresco Share: You are invited to join the site XXXXXXXXX.
How do I change this.
Another point that I would take the same post is:
When a user accepts the invitation. The First Login for that user appears a panel of welcome, as I have disable it or customize?
How to customize email subject lines in community 5.0.a?
I read some of the posts on the forum and they are supposed to be set in the properties files at the path tomcat\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\messages\(,, etc.). These files however are missing in 5.0. I searched for the text 'email.subject' in the tomcat folder files and it came back with zilch…are they packaged in one of the jar files?
In 5.0, configuration files are now kept inside of the JARs. They can be overridden in the same way as before (outside of the JARs), but the default configs are distributed with the code that requires those defaults to function.