I am getting an error in creating a content. Its showing something like this "Error generating rendition using cdcatalog.xsl: Store not found." that is "store not found Error" Can anybody help me. OR give me some material so that, i can solve this issue.
Specify the correct path for a content . I mean to say in evironment 3.0 Output path should be /${webapp}/forms/${name}.xml like this. at the time of configuring the XSD file with web project. It will solve the problem
I tried your suggestion of setting the output path of the xsd file to /${webapp}/forms/${name}.xml for the web project but i am still getting the same error. Can you please explain what exactly is the "store not found" issue and why changing the path would fix the issue? Note that this issue occurs in 3c and not 3b. I was under the impression that 3c is the stabler version of the two, and that it is the same as the enterprise 3 version?