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Step by step to run Alfresco 1.2RC

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I would like to following the tutorial "Introducing the Alfresco Java Content Repository API"

Can someone tell me what is the steps that I need in order to accomplish this?
For example, first do I need to import the entire source code into eclipse? And then build it, in order to get the alfresco-jcr.jar?

I am looking for the step by step tutorial in you will.

thanks a bunch guys

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Once the code is checked out, you can import the projects into Eclipse in the order given in the WIKI:
You only need the projects up to and including the jcr project.
You can then run the project-build.xml build file from Eclipse. 

Alternatively, you can checkout and execute the ANT scripts in the ..projects/jcr folder: ant -f project-build.xml.

This will generate the jars to the build/dist folder of the project.

I hope this helps.  We are planning to put together a developer-centric distribution that will contain the necessary jars, but this will only happen sometime after version 1.2 is released.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thank you very much
I will give it a shot

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Derek!

How to check out the alfresco code i tried with the following link:
but i got page cannot be found. Can you please guide me from where to download the code, after that how to setup in eclipse.
please help me!
Thanks in advacne

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
You need Subversion ( to check out the source code.

Presuming you are checking out your source code to c:\alfresco-src you would use the following in a command prompt:

svn co svn:// c:\alfresco-src

Information has also been added to the following wiki page:

Hope this helps.